Clemence Audiard

Clemence Audiard

  • 8 videos

Clemence Audiard

last moments must count, 4K 1

last moments must count, 4K

73 views 37m 43s

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at least one thing in common 2

at least one thing in common

96 views 31m 35s

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dirty ride in a classy ride 3

dirty ride in a classy ride

46 views 28m 13s

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the journey and the destination, 4K 4

the journey and the destination, 4K

74 views 24m 1s

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we just happened to swing by, 4K 5

we just happened to swing by, 4K

64 views 16m 59s

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a hands on only hot surprise, 4K 6

a hands on only hot surprise, 4K

57 views 22m 48s

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you have a package for me, neighbor? 7

you have a package for me, neighbor?

24 views 27m 24s

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a gratitude for good behaviour 8

a gratitude for good behaviour

29 views 1h 2m 40s

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